Pack a Carry-On Like A Pro

Last month my husband and I took a trip to Arizona for 4 nights, 5 days,  sans children.  He had some business to take care of, so I tagged along. It’s a perfect time for us to reconnect. His job can keep him super busy at times, so I appreciate all of the one-on-one time […]

Best Chicken Dinner Ever (Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Roasted Cauliflower)

Yesterday, I battled a migraine all morning and afternoon. I had chicken in my fridge that I needed to make for dinner. I wanted a super easy recipe, so I hopped on Pinterest, located the search bar and typed “Baked Chicken”. I clicked on the first recipe that came up and loved what I saw. […]

Baked Spaghetti Squash

                      Baked Spaghetti Squash What you will need: 2 Large Spaghetti Squash 2 Tablespoons of Butter Parmesan Cheese Shredded Mozzarella Cheese Oregano Garlic Salt Pepper What to do: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Give each spaghetti squash a […]

Yarn Hearts

Before I begin, I would like to note that you can find almost all of the products that we used for this project by clicking on the shop tab in the menu bar above and checking out the “crafting with kids” section, or by viewing the link that I will include at the end of […]

Pumpkin Pancakes

Pumpkin Pancakes – This recipe yields approximately 6 thick, medium sized pancakes.           What you will need: 4 Cups of Pancake Mix (My favorite is Meijer Complete Buttermilk Pancake Mix) 1 Cup of Canned Pumpkin 2 Tablespoons of Light Brown Sugar 1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon Approximately 2 ½ cups of cold […]

Baked Cheesy Broccoli Dip

I made a dip I thought my family would enjoy on Superbowl Sunday. It’s a dip, so it’s not completely healthy, most of the time that is a given…right? However, it does contain a whole head of broccoli, which has amazing nutritional benefits. And….. it was Superbowl Sunday, which equals a cheat day in our […]

Baked Mexican Quinoa

                            You will need: *2 Cups of Quinoa *2 Cans of Black Beans, drained and rinsed *1 Red Pepper *1 Orange Pepper *1 Yellow Pepper *1 Sweet Onion *A Handful of Grape Sized Tomatoes, halved (I used a Gourmet Medley) *Shredded cheese, […]

“She Designed A Life She Loved” Series, Part 1: The Beginning Of An Etsy Shop

  An Etsy PR Administrator had some questions for me, and I answered. Why did you open your Etsy shop? After my first child was born in 2009, I quit a 10-Year accounting career to become a SAHM. It was a huge transition! I missed daily interaction with my peers, but also loved staying home. […]

Storage Solutions For Children’s Artwork

I’ve had quite the children’s artwork collection going on for a while now. I mentioned in an earlier post that something about the artwork created by a child can bring tears to my eyes. I was the last from my group of friends to get married and I can vividly remember going to their homes […]

Baked Mozzarella Cheese Sticks

  Not sure this is a recipe, because making these is as simple as it gets. Homemade Mozzarella Cheese Sticks served with a side of Chunky Marinara! Ummmm, words can’t explain how good these are, so first, I will let the photos do the talking and then I will give you the ingredients and a […]

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