How To Remove Heat Stains/Water Stains From A Wood Table

I am not sure this process even has enough steps to require a blog post, but I am just so freakin’ excited, I think it deserves one!! My husband and I invested in a really nice table shortly after we were married. We picked something that was great quality, because we knew we would be […]

Our Family Is Growing By 2 Feet

Our family is growing by 2 feet! ‪#‎BabyGirl‬ coming soon – Summer 2016! ‪#‎SoBlessed‬ There have been a lot of changes going on in my life; the biggest and most exciting one being this miracle of life. I’m not sure if you have noticed, but I’ve been on the down-low. I haven’t blogged at all, […]

Spending Time With Your Lovies – Lake Huron

    I am taking some time off this summer from my Etsy shop to spend some quality time with my family. I am trying to soak up as many moments as I can, because they all seem to pass too quickly. Some of this quality time was spent at the beach. Long days and later nights […]

Teacher Gifts – The End Of Kindergarten

  Another school year is coming to an end and I have so much to be thankful for. I have watched my daughter blossom, grow leaps and bounds,  as her life was touched by some of the most loving women in the classroom.  Her teachers were so amazing this year and I’ll never forget the […]

Monarch Butterfly

Anyone that has been following along probably knows my daughter is obsessed with all sorts of creepy crawlies. Recently, she was treated to a very elaborate bug cage and quickly filled it with 2 monarch caterpillars. Within 2 days, they turned into cocoons. Today, our first monarch butterfly emerged, SO beautiful. Thought I would share […]

Wooly Bear Caterpillar Emerges Into Tiger Moth

My daughter found a Wooly Bear Caterpillar on our swing set and was so elated. She is a lover of all sorts of creepy crawlies and has taught me so much the past 5 years; my horizons are definitely expanding because of her! After we put “Fuzzy” (she names all of her critters 😉 ) […]