
My name is Colette and I am so grateful that you have taken a moment from your day to stop by!  I am a wife, stay-at-home mother to 3 incredible children, and the owner of “Wonderstruck Weddings & Wreaths“.

I have an accounting degree with minors in business administration and management. I worked for a property management company for 10 years and I loved it! After my husband and I had our first baby, I resigned from my position to become a stay-at-home-mom.

Before my husband and I got married, we each owned established homes, so we entered our marriage with double of everything. We had some sales to try and downsize, but some of the stuff I couldn’t part with (it felt wasteful to me) because it was in perfectly good condition and “we might need it some day.” The weight that was lifted off of my shoulders from finally letting go of “stuff” gave me inspiration and motivation to make a lifestyle change. This lifestyle change will be documented in this blog to provide tips and resources to anyone else that would like to simplify and/or organize their home.

My goal in this entire journey is to create systems throughout my entire home that won’t need maintenance in the future. I want to create life-long systems that will allow me and my family to focus less on all of the “things” in our home, giving us less anxiety and less feelings of being overwhelmed and more: More family time. More happiness. More space. More memories. More joy. More peace. More clarity. More experiences. More life. More time to enjoy simple pleasures. And most importantly, more time to just be in the present moment. 

When it comes to anything in your home, the answers are usually right in front of you. Is something bringing you stress? Remove it. Is there an object that takes up space, but doesn’t bring you joy?? Get rid of it. Is there a gadget you haven’t touched in years??? Donate it. Is there something that could make your household run more smoothly? Add it.

If you choose to implement my ideas in your home, the journey that you will embark on is not about perfection. The goal is to set up efficient systems in your home, so the systems kind of do the work for you….leaving you more time to enjoy and live life.

Are you ready to make a lifestyle change? Simplifying and organizing a household isn’t something that happens overnight. It will take time and dedication, and will eventually lead to a lifestyle change, but with my help, I know you can do it!

The task of organizing is something that genuinely makes me so happy and it has kept me calm in so many different facets of my life. I hope you enjoy my organizing tips & tricks + practical, affordable & achievable ideas for the home. Thank you for following along. I hope the information that I share is very helpful to you.



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