Bedroom Closet Organization Tips & Ideas

Before I begin, I would like to note that you can find some of the organizing products that I use in my closets by clicking on the shop tab in the menu bar above and looking for that particular section, or by viewing the link that I will include at the end of this post.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve packaged up bags and bags of clothes for donation and filled bins upon bins for consignment. I’ve had some questions from people wondering where to even begin. Truthfully, you just have to start. This has been a process that I started almost 2 years ago. I began by pulling all items from my closet that were too big or too small. (No more holding onto clothing that I couldn’t wear right now). Next, if there were pieces I hadn’t touched in a year, those items were also consigned or donated. Once you begin the process, the relief you feel from finally letting go of “stuff” becomes addicting and you will return to the same spaces throughout the year to purge some more. The more you simplify, the easier and easier it gets to just let go. Have you simplified your closet lately? Did it feel like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders?

Do you have seasonal shoes or shoes that you just wear for special occasions? Store them in plastic shoe boxes. The original pesky cardboard shoe boxes end up being all different shapes/sizes, making them difficult to store. And more than likely, the cardboard will eventually tear. Recycle the cardboard boxes and replace them with a life-long storage solution. For years, I’ve been using the “6 Quart Storage Boxes” by @sterilitecorporation to store my shoes. The boxes show no sign of age. They are inexpensive (I found mine for $1.00 each ), stack neatly while keeping the dust off, AND they look pretty and uniform. I’d say that is an organizing win!

Storing my jeans and shorts in fabric bins on a shelf in my closet makes pairing outfits a little bit easier; I like that I can see what I have with a quick glance while I am looking at the rest of my clothes.

I recommend investing in matching hangers; the uniformity they bring makes a big impact in the end result. Do you think the Mr. noticed I color-coded his clothes? 🌈

Inexpensive tie racks can hang from the clothes rod in any closet. They are the perfect storage solution for keeping neck ties organized and easily accessible.

Closet Organization For A Child’s Room:

1️⃣ Use matching hangers if possible. This is an inexpensive way to create a uniform look. The consistency will give a polished look to any closet.
2️⃣ Keep clothes to a minimum. When my kids were younger, they had so many clothes. I fell into the trap thinking they needed something new for every special event in their life. They grow so fast, that they only wore certain things a couple of times before they grew out of it. I have a completely different approach now. I keep their clothes to a minimum. It is so much easier to manage now and makes getting ready easier for them since their options are limited.
3️⃣ Use inexpensive boxes to contain clutter. I use photo boxes. They are easy to label and so inexpensive. I usually find mine at craft stores and only buy them when they are on sale for $1.25-$2.50 each, depending on the store. 🙌🏻 They are perfect for storing allllll the trinkets🙈: Pokémon cards, figurines, rock collection, shell collection, cars, etc.

My system has changed SO much over the years. I use to keep and store so much clothing. So much. 😅 I bought clothing. Grandparents bought clothing. Friends bought clothing…..especially for my firstborn when I was gifted items at baby showers and from friends and family stopping by to meet our new bundle of joy. It all accumulated at a rapid rate and some of the items were never even worn because babies grow fast and sometimes even skip a size. This was an eye-opening experience for me, so for my 2 youngest children, I took a completely different approach when I was gifted items. I only kept what I needed and I donated the rest to charity or sold it to a children’s consignment shop.

Regarding hand-me-downs, I have a labeled tote for each size and I only keep what can fit into one tote. It’s not the prettiest, but I store the totes right in the closet because this system seems to be the most efficient. I also have separate storage totes for pajamas, dresses and coats, that include all sizes in each tote, stacked in the tote by size, with the smallest size on top, largest on bottom. It works best this way since those items are bulkier and the next size the child grows into will be at the top of the tote for easy access. Keeping the clothes in order in a clear tote will allow you to see what you have on hand with a quick glance and prevent you from spending money on items that are not needed.

1.) Use uniform hangers. It is one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to make any closet streamlined and cohesive. (When you are buying clothing, and you are asked if you would like to keep the hanger(s), say “No, thank you.” 2.) Store hand-me-downs and keepsakes in labeled totes so you can see what you have on hand with a quick glance.
3.) When deciding what to keep for a hand-me-down, ask yourself if the garment was easy to maintain. If it wasn’t, it might be best to just let it go. I’ll be the first to tell you that I don’t iron anything. I don’t even own an iron. So, when I’m going thru clothing and I remember that a particular piece of clothing regularly came out of the dryer in a wrinkled mess, I donate that piece. Remember, this journey and these squares are not about perfection. The goal is to set-up efficient systems in your home, so the systems kind of do the work for you……. leaving you more time to just enjoy life.
Do you use an iron?? I’m sure ironing is very therapeutic for some, but it is something I never enjoyed or had the patience for. I do have a travel steamer that I use from time to time. I absolutely love it; no ironing board or skills required.

The task of organizing is something that genuinely makes me so happy, and it has kept me calm in so many different facets of my life. I hope you enjoy my organizing tips/tricks + practical, affordable & achievable ideas for the home. Thank you for following along. I hope the information that I share is very helpful to you. ~ Colette

Are you interested in some of the products/accessories that I use in my closets? You can shop some of my favorite items here. (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)