1000th SALE!!!

She Designed A Life She Loved


We hit 1000 SALES!! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this lil’ small business that I dreamed up a few years back. It’s hard to believe at the time I launched my Etsy shop, my girl was 2.5 and my boy had just turned 1. Now, my girl is 8, my boy is 6, and I now have the SWEETEST 11-month-old little girl, who lights up my life, every single day! She is such a blessing!! It all literally seems just like yesterday, but the ages of my children tell a different story. I just wanted to pop on here to tell all of you “THANK YOU!!” Some of our social media followers have been with us from the very beginning! From the time I was a brand new mom, trying to navigate a brand new life! I’ll never forget those years. My husband is also a small-business owner and he was working tirelessly to grow his business. I was home alone  A LOT with my young children, with no family in my area. All of you were such a bright spot in my days/nights, especially if I was having a rough day, feeling lonely or craving adult interaction.  I recognize so many of your names from the small conversations we have had via social media and Etsy.  Thank you for being here and for allowing me to have this creative outlet that truly changed my life. And to our beloved customers…..THANK YOU!! Thank you for your loyalty, for your referrals and for your amazing reviews!! Reading the SWEET words that many of you have taken the time to write in our review section puts the BIGGEST SMILE on my face! I am always blown away by the KINDNESS shown and I am so GRATEFUL for the opportunity to interact with so many lovely people!


Also, I cannot end this post without thanking my mother, aka, my partner in crime. I don’t know if all of you know this, but when I first launched my shop in 2011, my mother’s hand-crafted creations were the ONLY items for sale. My children were very young, so my days AND nights were filled taking care of them. In the beginning, I focused solely on setting up my shop, taking the photographs, listing items and marketing (I usually did this during nap time). It wasn’t until my children were a little bit older, and I was somewhat out of the sleep deprivation stage, that I was able to do everything it takes to run my Etsy shop AND make creations too. So all of those amazing Pine Christmas Wreaths, Christmas Tree Bow Toppers, Wedding Bouquets, Corsages and Boutonnieres?? Those are created by her!! She is unbelievably talented!!


Also, I’ll have you know that the BIGGEST challenge I have faced in all of this is putting myself out there. I am a really private person (somewhat introverted in nature) and it takes me a long time before I open up to someone. I learned very quickly that small business owners have to share their stories. To succeed, small business owners have to get their name out there, market themselves, because nobody is going to do it for them. This was very tough for me to deal with at first and made me SO uncomfortable!! It was so hard for me to “market myself”.   So thank you for putting up with me and all of my social media posts! The majority of my shop traffic actually comes from social media.  So incredible!


Now that I have a 3rd baby, I have been back in the sleep deprivation stage. Things have been a little quieter than normal in my Etsy shop (I haven’t been making as many new designs as I did in the past) and I’ve been non-existent on my blog. My baby is almost 1, and I am almost done nursing her. She is only waking up one time at night and I am starting to feel more and more like myself as the days go on. (Sleep deprivation is rough!) I can’t wait to have more energy to dream up some BRAND NEW designs and to get back to blogging. I’ve stumbled upon some amazing products that I would love to share with all of you, I just need to find the time to sit down and write again. So…..you may be seeing/hearing more from me soon!


None of this would be possible without all of you! Thank you for allowing me to have this little side gig and for allowing me to contribute to my family. My kids are thankful for the little adventures we have been able to take with the extra money I have earned and I am beyond thankful for the memories!

xoxo ~Colette


Now thru Wednesday, June 28th, please use coupon code 1000thSALE to receive 20% off your entire purchase from my WeddingsAndWreaths Etsy Shop. This coupon is good on all regular and clearance priced items. No custom orders please.

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