Our Family Is Growing By 2 Feet

It Is A Girl

Our family is growing by 2 feet!

‪#‎BabyGirl‬ coming soon – Summer 2016! #‎SoBlessed‬

There have been a lot of changes going on in my life; the biggest and most exciting one being this miracle of life.

I’m not sure if you have noticed, but I’ve been on the down-low.

I haven’t blogged at all, most of the “Custom Request” options have been removed from my shop

and I’ve been a little quieter on social media. ‪#‎DoingLess‬

The beginning of this pregnancy was difficult, so I’ve been taking it easy and doing my best not to

bite off more than I can chew; reserving most of my energy for my children, husband and home.

I will be taking some time off from my shop,

but I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things real soon!

I’ve missed this creative outlet and I am so extremely excited for the future.

Thank you for following along and allowing me to evolve.

I hope you regularly find something that interests you, inspires you, brings you joy or makes you laugh!

Many Blessings. ~Colette


  1. Lori Smanski says

    wow this is such wonderful news. CONGRATULATIONS to you all. This is such a true blessing.
    Absolutely, your family comes first. Take the time you need. You will know when it is time to start up again.

    • Thanks so much Lori! That was so very sweet of you to say! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  2. YAY!!! Congratulations! So happy for you <333

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee