DIY Photo Canvas Print

I’ve had the materials to create this canvas since April; I just haven’t found the time to do it. Yesterday morning, I told myself if I did 85% of my Fall lawn maintenance, I would be able to complete my project. (That’ll get this girl moving.)

Want to create your own Photo Canvas Print??  See my earlier tutorial!

Once I modge podged my photo to canvas, I was not happy with the borders (I got a little impatient and cut my borders too short. Lesson learned!), so I thought I would try to fix my mistake with paint. I felt like Bob Ross for a hot minute check out the video (memories of my childhood came rushing back to me) and I just kept painting and painting and painting. I used acrylic paint (black, forest green and gold glitter) to add more trees and bushes. My finished piece is far from perfect, but I couldn’t be more in love with the outcome. You guys, you should see the gold glitter when the light hits it; it is so very beautiful!! The cool thing about artwork or any project that uses creativity is there are no rules. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. And most of the time, the mistakes and flaws lead to something beautiful and end up being the best part of your creative story. Yes??

DIY Photo Canvas Print



DIY Photo Canvas Print


DIY Photo Canvas Print


DIY Photo Canvas Print


DIY Photo Canvas Print


What do YOU think of the finished piece?

Isn’t it such a drastic difference??

To say that I am swooning would be an understatement!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

If you create your own Canvas Gallery Wrap, I would love to see it!!

Please feel free to share a photo on my Facebook Page or tag me on Instagram!

Until next time!

Happy Creating!!

xo ~Colette

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