Spending Time With Your Lovies – Lake Huron

Tawas Pier



I am taking some time off this summer from my Etsy shop to spend some quality time with my family.

I am trying to soak up as many moments as I can, because they all seem to pass too quickly.

Some of this quality time was spent at the beach. Long days and later nights than I was use to.

On the hot sunny days, I would spend the entire day in my bathing suit with my family.

A day went something like this.

Up at 7am.

Children laughing with excitement.

Make breakfast.

Watch children color.

Drink coffee.

Put swimsuit on.

Gather the children’s swimsuits.

Apply sunscreen.

Coat children in sunscreen.

Build a sandcastle with children.

Swim in the lake.

Make a snack.

Listen to my boy say he wants his clothes back on.

Tell him it’s easier to let the sun dry his swimsuit.

Listen to my boy say he wants his clothes back on.

Find my boy some clothes.

Make another snack.

Look at a bug my daughter found.

Go on a rock collecting walk.

Listen to my boy say he wants his swimsuit back on.

Tell him it’s hanging on the deck railing.

Make a snack.

Boy appears in his swimsuit.

Pull kids around on a tube while doing frog kicks.

Make lunch.

Listen to my boy say he wants his clothes back on.

Tell him it’s easier to let the sun dry his swimsuit.

Listen to my boy say he wants his clothes back on.

Tell him they are inside the house where he left them.

Clean up lunch.

Boy appears in clothes.

Look at my husband and giggle.

Make a pot of coffee.

Back in the lake to watch my daughter snorkel.

Listen to my boy say he wants his swimsuit back on.

Tell him it’s hanging on the deck railing.

Hold the treasure my daughter collects.

Chase after a tube floating down the shore.

Chat with my husband for 30 seconds.

Boy appears in swimsuit.

Make a snack.

Deliver snack.

Collect empty plates and containers from all prior snacks.

Clean dishes.

Listen to my boy say he wants his clothes back on.

Tell him it’s easier to let the sun dry his swimsuit.

Listen to my boy say he wants his clothes back on.

Tell him they are inside the house where he left them.

Drink more coffee.

Gather ingredients for dinner.

Boy appears in clothes.

Look at my husband and giggle.

Watch my children and husband play wiffle ball.

Laugh as my children chase each other around the bases.

Pick up the accumulated items from the deck.

Watch my husband make a fire.

Sit by the fire and drink more coffee.

Watch my children chase butterflies.

Watch my husband cook dinner over the fire.

Feed hungry children.

Both children appear in swimsuits.

Watch them swim in the lake.

Help them quickly clean up and remove pounds of sand from their bodies.

Gather their pj’s.

Make a snack.

Clean dishes.

Tuck children in.

Pray they fall asleep quickly.

Check on sleeping children

Give them another kiss.

Take a shower.

Chat with my husband.

Look at some photos.

Fall asleep.

The days were so long and packed with so many different activities.

As evening would approach, I could not wait to take a shower after being in my swimsuit all day.

After several later than normal nights, we made definite plans for an early bedtime.

The kids were bathed and watching a show, so I took a quick shower.

I stepped out of the bathroom,  feeling so refreshed and revived. I exclaimed to my family.

“There is no better feeling than being clean.”

My 4-year-old boy replied, “Yes, there is.”

I said “There is?? What is it?”

He said “Spending time with your lovies!”

From the mouths of babes I tell ya.

Traveling with children is not a vacation, it is a trip! Yes??

I am pretty sure I would be diagnosed with exhaustion.

I need a vacation from my vacation.

Not kidding.

But after hearing those sweet words, it was confirmed

that every single ounce of energy that I put into

that trip was worth it.

Children notice your presence.

“There is no better feeling than spending time with your lovies.”

Truer words have never been spoken

and I think that is so very beautiful!

Wishing you all a beautiful week!


Spending Time With Your Lovies

Magic Is Something You Make SM

Fishing Boat

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