Veggie Skillet

Good Morning.

A Veggie Skillet and Coffee is served.

I have been trying to omit cheese from my diet, which has been difficult at times for this vegetarian.

I love cheese!

To be honest, when I incorporate avocado, I don’t miss it.

At all.

Veggie Skillet

Veggie Skillet

Veggie Skillet

Veggie Skillet

Veggie Skillet

What I used:

1.5 pounds of Red Skin Potatoes
1 Zucchini
1 Summer Squash
A Handful of Grape Tomatoes
1 Small Avocado
Garlic Salt
Grill Seasonal

What to do:

*Heat EVOO over medium heat.
*Dice Potatoes, Zucchini and Summer Squash and add to the Skillet.
*Sprinkle with Garlic Salt and Grill Seasoning
*Cook for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally until edges are crisp and brown.
*Add a handful of whole grape tomatoes.
*Cook for a couple more minutes until tomatoes are warmed through.
*Serve with sliced avocado and sprinkle with chives.


Until Next Time, Happy Cooking!!


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Veggie Skillet