Teacher Gifts – The End Of Kindergarten

Teacher Gifts


Another school year is coming to an end and I have so much to be thankful for. I have watched my daughter blossom, grow leaps and bounds,  as her life was touched by some of the most loving women in the classroom.  Her teachers were so amazing this year and I’ll never forget the impact they’ve had on my daughter.  Let’s face it, it takes someone very, very special to help shape the minds and hearts of so many little kindergartners. I would often observe. I saw her teacher leading the children in from the playground, each child following her direction, walking in a single file line behind her. I watched her teacher’s aide during the Christmas Program, so many children coming to sit on her lap; she was so loving and they knew she was, that it why they came.  I watched the joy on her teacher’s face as she watched her students perform during the Spring concert; the children’s angelic voices filling the gym. It all makes me a bit teary-eyed. Because I know teachers have a true gift, one that only certain people are given. It makes me teary-eyed because I have met so many amazing families. People that have good energy. People that inspire others. And it makes me teary-eyed because time goes too fast. I vividly remember holding my daughter when she was born; seems just like yesterday. 6 years gone in a flash. Reminding me to soak up as many precious moments that I can.

I wanted to give the teachers something special. Nothing fancy, just special. It seemed like the theme for this year was “growth”, so I thought it would be cute to start with a plant. I chose a perennial (found them at Walmart), so they can enjoy it year after year.  I found some foam heart stakes at Dollar Tree (a package of 3 for $1.00) and wrote these words on the hearts with a sharpie “Thank you for helping me grow this year”.  I placed the stakes in the plants. I also found the lime green baskets at Dollar Tree. They would be perfect. Easy to carry and just enough room to add a couple of others things. I thought it would be cool to tie some acrylic mason jars to the basket (you can find them at HomeGoods or most super stores). I filled the mason jars with single serving pouches of lemonade. The gift was topped off with a magazine. I chose to place a different magazine in each basket, just in case either teacher already had the one they received; maybe they could swap them out.

Let’s take a look at the finished baskets.


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts


Teacher Gifts



I am envisioning the teachers sitting outside. The sun is shining, a nice breeze is blowing. They are relaxing, sipping on some cold lemonade, reading a magazine, while glancing at their plant. Relax teachers. All summer long. Lord knows you deserve it. You are some of the most hard-working, dedicated people I know. A mental job. A physical job. Your hearts are shaping other hearts and I think that is so very beautiful.

Now excuse me, but I must go find some tissues.

Wishing you all a beautiful summer!


~ Colette

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