Spinach/Artichoke Grilled Cheese

I love Grilled Cheese Sandwiches! My family enjoys them too, but definitely not as much as me. I have been a vegetarian for 17 years, so I’ve had quite a few Grilled Cheese Sandwiches in my life.  Not the standard Grilled Cheese Sandwich though. I love adding veggies to my sandwich, and lots of them. Spinach, Artichokes and Mozzarella are one of my favorite combinations; so delicious.

Let’s take a look at the yummy goodness below.

Spinach/Artichoke Grilled Cheese


Spinach/Artichoke Grilled Cheese


Spinach/Artichoke Grilled Cheese


Spinach/Artichoke Grilled Cheese



I would love to know, how do you enjoy your Grilled Cheese?

Do you have any favorite combinations?

Please share and we will be able to create a little recipe swap.


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Until next time,

Happy Cooking!

~ Colette