Best Chicken Dinner Ever (Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Roasted Cauliflower)

Yesterday, I battled a migraine all morning and afternoon. I had chicken in my fridge that I needed to make for dinner. I wanted a super easy recipe, so I hopped on Pinterest, located the search bar and typed “Baked Chicken”. I clicked on the first recipe that came up and loved what I saw. I thought it would be perfect served with some mashed potatoes and roasted cauliflower. Both of my children said it was the best dinner they ever had and they want to eat it every day. Haha. My husband gave it a “10”. Let me tell you, there were a lot of mmmmmm’s to be heard and that makes this mama very happy!

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

Baked Chicken Dinner

I found the recipe for the Baked Chicken on Rachel Schultz, A Household Almanac. Thanks Rachel! 🙂 I didn’t change a thing. I just doubled the ingredients. My philosophy is cook it once, eat it twice. Or three times, even better. We have enough leftovers that my husband can take this meal for lunch a couple of times this week and enough for one more dinner.

Baked Chicken Recipe

What you will need:

8 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

1 Cup of Dijon Mustard

1/2 Cup of Pure Maple Syrup

2 Tablespoons of Red Wine Vinegar

Fresh Rosemary

Salt & Pepper

Cooking Spray

Baked Chicken Dinner

What to do:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Place the chicken breasts in a baking dish coated in cooking spray.

Season the chicken with salt and pepper.

In a small mixing bowl, add dijon mustard, maple syrup and red wine vinegar. Whisk together until combined.

Pour mixture over the chicken and make sure each chicken breast is evenly coated.

Bake in 425 degree oven for about 45 minutes or until internal temperature of chicken is 165 degree.

Finely chop fresh rosemary and sprinkle over the top.

Mashed Potatoes

You will need:

4lbs of Yellow Flesh Potatoes

1 Brick of Cream Cheese

A couple of splashes of milk.

Garlic Salt and Pepper

Baked Chicken Dinner

What to do:

Scrub up about 4 lbs of yukon gold (yellow flesh) potatoes . Peel them if desired. This is not necessary, but my children prefer that I do.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add a little salt. Cut the potatoes into large cubes (this will ensure a quick cooking process)  Carefully add the potatoes to the boiling water. I like to use my handy, dandy strainer; one of my absolute favorite kitchen utensils!  Boil until fork tender.  Drain the water. Add cream cheese, milk, garlic salt and pepper. Stir and mash with a large wooden spoon. You can add more milk to create silkier mashed potatoes, but I prefer mine thick and chunky.

Roasted Cauliflower

You will need:

1 Head of Cauliflower

(or 2 in case you and your family gobble up the first head of roasted cauliflower and need to make more for leftovers 🙂 )

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cooking Spray

Garlic Salt & Pepper

Parmesan Cheese

What to do: 

Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Scrub up the cauliflower and chop into florets.

Cut the florets into slices.

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.

Place the florets on the baking sheet, make sure none of them are overlapping.

(This will ensure that one entire side carmelizes. It tastes good and looks pretty!)

Drizzle with EVOO.

Season with Garlic Salt & Pepper

Roast in a 425 degree oven for about 35 minutes.

Remove baking sheet from oven and sprinkle Parmesan Cheese over the cauliflower.

Place back in the oven for about 5-10 more minutes.

Since my children want to eat this dinner every day, it looks like this will be a regular recipe in my home. 🙂

If you give this a try, let me know what you think.

If you would like to share pictures of your dinner, feel free to post them to my Facebook Page or tag me on Instagram or Twitter.

I would love to see them!

Until next time, Happy Cooking!


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