Monarch Butterfly

Anyone that has been following along probably knows my daughter is obsessed with all sorts of creepy crawlies. Recently, she was treated to a very elaborate bug cage and quickly filled it with 2 monarch caterpillars. Within 2 days, they turned into cocoons. Today, our first monarch butterfly emerged, SO beautiful. Thought I would share the excitement in photos. The top left photo is what the cocoons looked like shortly after they were spun. The top right photo shows the 1st butterfly, after it emerged. The bottom left photo shows our second cocoon (photo taken today). Look closely, you can see the butterfly through it. Awesome…..YES? The bottom right photo shows the butterfly right after we released it into nature. You will notice the wings are still damp. Entire transformation….absolutely amazing…..YES?

Monarch Butterfly


Let’s take a closer look:

Monarch Butterfly


Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly


Once my daughter had the caterpillars in the cage, we made sure they had water to drink and milkweed. Once the cocoons were formed, we didn’t do anything but observe. When the first butterfly emerged, we made sure it had water and also put a couple of butterfly bush blossoms in the cage. We released the butterfly the next day. This is a great learning experience for children. Both of my kids eyes were filled with pure excitement through each and every step. I love finding different ways for them to stay connected to nature!

If you give this a try, I would love to see pics! Feel free to post them on my Facebook Page.

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