Making A House A Home; Personalized Decor For Your Home

Most of the decor hanging in my house is photos of my family, quotes/sayings that mean something to me and my family or masterpieces created by my children. Decorating this way has really made my house feel like a home and I love having special memories surrounding me on a daily basis.

Using artwork and decor that has special meaning will give you a fuzzy feeling inside every time you look at it. Your home will feel warm, cozy and oh so welcoming. 

I would love to share with you some easy, inexpensive ways to add a little character to your home. Let’s get started:

During the summer months, my family really enjoys going to the beach. There is just something so relaxing and therapeutic about it; I feel so at peace there!

sweet summertime in michigan

The beach is my kids playground while we are on vacation. I love watching my children enjoy the simple things in life – sand, water, rocks, sticks, shells, waves, seagulls, butterflies – it brings me so much joy!  During our last trip to the beach, we collected seashells. I thought it would be fun to create some pieces for our home using the shells that we collected; this is not only an easy DIY project we can do together, but a project that will help us remember a very fun day spent with the family.  I washed the shells as we collected them and stored them in a ziplock bag. When we returned home, my 5-year-old daughter created a couple of decorations that make me smile every time I look at them; they are SO beautiful!!

I found some wooden letters and a cross in the craft section at my local grocery store. You can also find them at any craft store (something like Michaels).  She painted the letters and cross and then liberally applied Elmer’s Craft Bond All Purpose Glue in sections (be sure to apply the glue liberally so the shells stick. It will look like a lot of glue at first, but no worries, it dries clear). She pressed the shells into the glue and continued until all areas were covered. I kept the creations flat for a couple of days until I was sure the glue was throughly dry. I love seeing these creations in my home because my daughter created them using shells we collected on our family vacation; so meaningful!  Here are some of the amazing, finished pieces.

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Home Decor

Personalized Home Decor

I displayed the “S” in our living room! I love it here; right next to a family photo of us on the exact same beach we found the shells on. Makes me a little bit teary eyed! So many beautiful memories here!  If you don’t like the beach, explore any place you & your family will enjoy together. You never know what gems are just waiting to be found.

Personalized Home Decor

My son didn’t want to use the shells, he wanted to paint an initial in an array of colors (selected by him) to display in his room. I love watching my children’s ideas unfold, and I try to never get in the middle of their creation process. The fact that these pieces were created by my children (completely by themselves) is what makes them so meaningful to me! Let’s watch the magic unfold!

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Decor For Your Home

I love looking up at this “D” when I am singing to my little boy before bed. It’s so, so special!

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Since my children were painting, I decided to join in on the fun. I thought it would be cool to paint a lightweight, inexpensive wooden picture frame (snagged it for $1.49 at my local grocery store in the craft section). I could display the frame in the center of my door wreath and change out the photos based on the season we are in.

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Personalized Decor For Your Home

I think it turned out cute, don’t you? Looking for a new Everyday Door Wreath or for a new Seasonal Wreath? You can find this wreath and many other modern, unique designs by shopping at my Etsy Store Wonderstruck Weddings & Wreaths.
Personalized Decor For Your Home

I take a ton of photos! I love capturing moments!!  I find that imagery is one of the easiest ways to add simple décor into the home. I’ve always loved photos and was the girl in high school, and even college, that had a disposable camera in my purse. Yes, that’s right, I said disposable. No, I’m not super old, I am normally just way behind the times when it comes to technology. In fact, I owned my first real camera just 9 short years ago. Let’s thank my husband for that. Thank you husband! (I don’t think he understood why I was using disposable cameras and bought me a “point and shoot” for my birthday when we were dating) Thanks again husband!  Haha! Now that I have a real camera, I don’t have to go into a store to get my photos printed, I can just use places like Shutterfly! They also have an actual home decor section that has beautiful products for the house. If you want something simple, you can use Photoshop or Picasa (just to name a few) to add text to your photos.  Here is a photo of me and my bestie that I have displayed in my living room. We don’t see each other as often as I would like, but I am reminded of her when I look at this photo; it’s pretty special!

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box; beautiful décor can happen to the exterior of the home too! About a year ago, I painted my front door. I chose black. It was in need of a paint job and I think a black door is so classy! I wanted to dress it up with a wreath and a decal. I was browsing Etsy one day and discovered a darling shop that creates and specializes in vinyl decor. I found a Monogram Door Decal that I completely fell in love with. I quickly ordered it and could not wait to get it on my newly painted front door. I had to wait a couple of weeks for my paint to cure, but believe me, I had the date that I could place the decal on my door marked on my calendar! I’m not kidding!  I think the decal adds so much charm to my home. I don’t think there is a single person who has walked through my front door that hasn’t loved this decal. Want one for your front door?  Lucy Lews Vinyl Decor  has a large selection of vinyl decals for your home: doors, walls, mailboxes; you name it, it’s there.  My mailbox is my next project! Can’t wait! For now, let’s take a look at my door!

Personalized Decor For Your Home

Shop: Lucy Lews Vinyl Decor

Like the decal? Shop Lucy Lews Vinyl Decor:

Like the wreath? Shop

Like the wreath? Shop

And there you have it. Some fun, inexpensive ways to add personalized touches to your home. Your home should “rise up to meet you”! Right? Make it charming, inviting, warm, and cozy. Make it a place that makes YOU smile!

I try my best to stay in touch with my followers on a personal level. Connect with me on Facebook; I would love to see you!

Until next time, have fun making your house a home!

xo ~Colette