Quick and Easy Breakfast Wraps

I have been making breakfast wraps for quite some time now. They are quick, easy, inexpensive, versatile, healthy and perfect for families that are on the go.  Our lives can be so busy at times.  My life got even busier when my husband and I had our first child and then our second child 18 months later.

All of our family lives out of town, so that means many weekends are spent on the road to visit family and attend all of the celebrations that come with them: Holidays,  Birthday Parties, Weddings, Showers, Baptisms, First Communions, Graduations ….. you get the jist …. BUSY!  Since our families live a few hours from us, we always tried to get an early start so we could actually spend time with them before we had to hop back in our vehicles to head for home. That’s when Breakfast Wraps entered my life. It was almost impossible to make a healthy breakfast while packing diaper bags, nursing a baby, changing diapers, getting the baby dressed, getting myself ready,  changing another diaper (you know what I mean, the little one’s always seem to fill there diapers right when you are ready to walk out the door).

It is important to me that my family has a nutritious breakfast to start their day, but making a breakfast from scratch in the morning and then having to deal with all of the dirty dishes on top of everything else was not working for me. I  started to make breakfast wraps the night before and wrap them individually in aluminum foil and place them in my fridge. I would pop them in a low temp oven first thing in the morning. The wraps would be warming up and smelling yummy while the rest of the morning hustle and bustle took place.  I even did this the night before we were going to head out for our summer vacation. They were a hit. My kids and husband gobbled them up while we were on the road (I don’t eat eggs or meat… HA!) and I even had some left over to share with my in-laws that were vacationing with us. Apparently, my father-in-law couldn’t stop talking about how good they were on a fishing trip, so I even taught him how to make them.  Now that my oldest child just started preschool this year, I think they are even more amazing. It can be difficult to get the kids out of the door on time for school (they are EXPERT stallers) and I want to make sure I am feeding them a healthy breakfast and that their bellies are full before I send them off!

So let’s get down to the good part, the recipe! The awesome thing about this recipe is you can adjust the amount of any of the ingredients and it will still turn out great. Here are the basic ingredients:

  • eggs
  • milk
  • shredded sharp cheese (or whatever cheese you prefer)
  • meat cut up into bite size pieces (you can use cooked sausage, cooked bacon or lunch meat ham or turkey)
  • garlic powder
  • hot sauce
  • salt
  • scallions, just the green part
  • whole wheat wraps


{TIP} When you are adding your milk, always begin counting right when you start pouring. The number you stop counting at should equal how many eggs you used. If you use 5 eggs, add 5 counts of milk. 12 eggs, add 12 counts of milk. This will give you very moist, fluffy eggs.

I seriously eyeball all of the other ingredients. You really cannot mess this recipe up. To give you a little direction, I  always use 12 eggs because I like enough wraps to carry me through a few days of the week. I add 12 counts of milk, about a cup of shredded cheese, a couple shakes of garlic powder, 2 -3 dashes of hot sauce, a couple pinches of salt, 3 scallions, and depending on the meat I am using …. 8 cooked sausage links cut up into bite size pieces -or- 8 bacon strips (already fried or baked) cut up into bite size pieces -or- about 5 pieces of lunch meat cut up into bite size pieces. This amount of mixture will usually yield 8 wraps.

Add all of the ingredients into a bowl and whisk. Cook in a non-stick skillet that has been coated with a little bit of butter or margarine. Stir frequently until the eggs are light and fluffy. Once the eggs are cooked, transfer into a clean bowl.  Place a couple of spoonfuls of your egg mixture onto a whole wheat tortilla wrap. Wrap it up. Make as many wraps as you can fit into your non-stick skillet that has been coated with cooking spray. (I can usually fit 4-5 wraps in my large skillet) Fry, turning once until both sides are golden brown and crispy. Enjoy now or wrap each breakfast wrap in aluminum foil. In the morning, pop the wraps in a low temp oven for 15 -20 minutes.


Quick and Easy Breakfast Wraps


Let me know if you try this recipe! I would love to know what you think!! You can comment below this blog post or find me on Facebook. 🙂 Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog if you would like to receive all of my recipes directly in your inbox.

Until next time.

Happy Cooking,
