Cupcakes…. yes, please!

I enjoy making cupcakes for parties, especially my children’s birthday parties.  The kids always love them and 24 cupcakes are yielded per batch. There are always some left over that are easy to package up and send home with my guests. They are so simple to make! For me, the only difficult part of making cupcakes was getting the batter in each liner without dripping it on the cupcake pan.  I always had the most success using a cookie dough scoop, but even with that, the transfer was never perfect, until Martha Stewart’s Batter Dispenser entered my life. I found it on a girls weekend with my SIL when she took me to HomeGoods for the first time.  I was. in. heaven. I could have spent all. day. there. I love everything about that store!!  Anyway, I was down the baking aisle and this batter dispenser caught my eye. I hemmed a hawed for a couple of seconds….”I make cupcakes alot. My kids enjoy helping me. It’s only $5.99. I’ll get a ton of use from it. Ok, I’ll buy it!” I am SO happy I did! It is so easy to use and I can fill 24 cupcake liners in about 24 seconds mess free! 🙂

Martha Stewart Batter Dispenser

Martha Stewart Batter Dispenser

I also saw all of these adorable cupcake stands; I have been wanting one for a long time! I found one and put it in my cart. I hemmed and hawed about the stand for the remaining HomeGoods shopping trip (about an hour). It was metal and pretty big. It didn’t collapse and I wondered where I would store it when I wasn’t using it. Also, I didn’t know how the metal would hold up after several washings. It only held 18 cupcakes and I always have 24. It was $24.99…. maybe I could find a better deal somewhere else. I decided to put it back on the HomeGoods shelf, hoping one day, I would find the perfect stand. I am so happy I waited and shopped around. I ended up finding the perfect cupcake stand when I wasn’t even looking for it at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand

Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand

The Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand is collapsable, washable, holds 24 cupcakes, it’s versatile (can be used for girls/boys or for displaying muffins during breakfast or brunch) and it was only $14.99. I bought it with a pack of gum to get me over $15.00 and used a “$5.00 off your $15.00 purchase” coupon, so I got the stand for $10.00!! Score!! I was  happy dancing and still am! It only takes seconds to assemble!

Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand

Assembled Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand


I’m lovin’ my Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand, especially when it is filled with cupcakes!


Betty Crocker Cupcake Stand


Let’s take a closer look. It is so adorable, don’t you think?



Do you have any favorite baking gadgets that make your life easier or servers/platters that you adore?

I would love to hear about them!

You can comment below this blog post or find me on Facebook.

Happy Baking,


I was not compensated to review these products. As always, my opinions are my own.


  1. I need both of those! Looks like I’m headed to BBB and HomeGoods! 😉

  2. Cupcakes look beautiful as well as scrumpdididelicous 🙂
    A thought……Your batter dispenser could also be used with pancake batter to make alphabet pancakes !!